
Jassim Al-Assadi reveals the secrets of his kidnapping and torture

Baghdad-ALsharqiya, February 18: The released environmental activist, "Jassim Al-Asadi", revealed the details of the crime of his kidnapping, torture and abuse for a period of 15 days, in the activist's first comment after his release. "Al-Asadi" told Al-Sharqia News that he was taken blindfolded and handcuffed to corridors of unknown location, and during his detention he was subjected to torture with the use of electricity and sticks. The environmental activist, "Jassim Al-Asadi", suggested that the purpose of his kidnapping was to dissuade him from continuing to work for the marshes and perpetuating this environment. important culturally and economically for Iraq. "Al-Asadi" added to Al-Sharqiya News that parties that rely on banditry, murder and absenteeism committed the crime, praising the efforts of the Prime Minister and the efforts of everyone who demanded that his fate be revealed..


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